Monday, November 21, 2005

19th November

Things week I have been struggling with some writers block (I can hear some of you say,"Hurray!") so what I am going to do is give you my news first.
My poor mother had a fall on Monday and she broke her leg just above the ankle in four places. She had it plated and is now sitting at home with a "moon boot" on.
The play is making progress though I am still very trepidatious about how it will turn out. The children are working very hard and I was delighted to see that so many of the children came today (Saturday) for an extra rehearsal. The show is staged on Tuesday Evening. If I can organise someone with a digital camera I will try and post some pictures next week.
Yesterday I attended a farewell for myself. For the past few years I have been a part of a missions committee for SIM. If you want to know what that is, I suggest you go to their website but briefly it is an international mission organisation. They gave me as a going away present, three cups and saucers.
I was delighted to see that the YOU magazine had published my letter - well parts of it. You can see YOu magazine on the web - - the subject of my letter was "Forgiveness" and I was urging a lady whose husband had brutally killed her three children, tried to kill her and then killed himself to forgive him completely.
How many of you like Sudoku's - I must admit that I am slightly addicted - if I see one I will try and solve it. Don't know what a Sudoku is - look at this website.
Your friend John.
By the way, I have only had one comment to my email address. I welcome comments on my blog especially when I'm commenting on one or other issue. As you can see from the following blog - those with interesting comments will be posted to this blog for everyone to read. All personal details (except name will be deleted.)

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